147.09 / 145.49 / 443.05 ------ PL 167.9

Proposed Con&ByLawChanges

Proposed Constitution & By-Law Changes

In preparation of attaining 501c(3) status we need to make some changes to our documents as mandated by government regulations, mostly IRS.

We are taking this opportunity to update our Constitution & By-Laws so potential donors see a serious organization, that is worthy of their donation.


The current documents have many holes that need fixed. For instance several places talk about some office must be elected, but does not say how to conduct an election.

We talk about regular membership and it’s cost. We mention Family membership a little bit but what does it cost? 

It hints of a Board of Directors but says little about it.


     The biggest change we are proposing has to do with Trustees. The reality of at least the past 10 years, the three trustee positions do not really do much. One person has their name on FCC documents and is responsible for renewing our license and responding to any ‘Notice of Violation’ letters.


    We are proposing a name change. All Trustees would be called ‘Member-at-Large‘. There would still be three of them with a rotating 3 year term. They would be a member of the ‘Board of Directors’. They would also have audit responsibilities.

     The Board of directors: (See Article II Section 7)

The Board shall have the control and general management of the affairs and business of the Association


The person with FCC responsibilities would be called ‘Trustee-of Record‘.


This Proposal document is a starting place for discussion. Once presented and adjusted it can not be voted on till the next meeting(May).


The Documents of change use the following standards:

Words with Strikethrough are deleted.

Words that are Underlined are added.


If you have questions you may call John – WJ3OM 570-244-6711 before the March meeting.


Download the current KB3HLL_Bylaws_2016-07 – Constitution & By-Laws

Download the Proposed KB3HLL_Bylaws_2023-03_Ver0.1.2 – Constitution & By-Laws

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