147.09 / 145.49 / 443.05 ------ PL 167.9


About Winlink – Use this link to find info about Winlink. It is strongly recommended to not ‘Google’ info about Winlink on the general internet, Winlink has been around many years and there is a lot of outdated/wrong info out there.


Download ‘Winlink Express Install’ – An email program used to create/read/send messages and choose how to communicate with Winlink servers. ex; Telnet(internet direct), VARA HF, VARA FM & others.


Setting up a user accountUser accounts expire after 400 days of inactivity, use radio or telnet to stay active.  Your radio email address is YOURCALL@winlink.org.

Download VARA & VARA FM a fast soundcard modem 



WaveTalkers LIVE video sessions start at Sundays 4PM each week.

Weekly Classes/Episodes Index 

Winlink related classes start at bottom of page, Winklink Basics for EmComm: #1 Getting Started. Work your way up the page to the present. Later pages deal with subjects with less and less Winlink content.

EmComm Training Organization – ETO

Winlink Thursdays Exercise/Drill instructions are published on Mondays, to be completed on Thursdays. Results/scoring are released on Sundays.

Winlink Wednesday

This is a Winlink net that started in 2016 in Virginia. While intended for Virginia, is now accepting check-ins from around the world. This is a RF-only net. Check-ins are accepted all Wednesday using any RF mode.

P2P HF sessions:

Morning session:
0730 – 0930 ET, ARDOP P2P, 3582 kHz (dial).
Evening session:
1900 – 2130 ET, VARA P2P, 3582 kHz (dial)

You must read All About Winlink Wednesday for information about the net before checking in the first time. In the top right corner of the main WW webpage is a weekly Net Reminder.

If you are looking for more nets search ‘Winlink nets’ and you will find nets scattered around the country.

Hamword – Simple Game to get more comfortable and exercise your equipment








Digital Communications Guidelines May 4December 11, 2006
Page 9
Version 1.1 5/13/2009

6.2 VHF/UHF Band Plan
The 2 Meter and 70cm frequencies for gateways in EPA are:
144.91 145.01 145.51 145.61 145.71
144.93 145.03 145.53 145.63 145.73
144.95 145.05 145.55 145.65 145.75
144.97 145.07 145.57 145.67 145.77
144.99 145.09 145.59 145.69 145.79
440.9250 440.9500 440.9750 441.0000 441.0250 441.0500 441.0750



Bald Eagle Repeater Assoc. © 2013 - 2024